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Current PHP Configuration
This page uses the split-file approach to automatically publish and display a PDF document. It is particularly useful for displaying very large documents.
Please edit php/lib/config.ini.nix.php to change these values
Document Path Settings
PDF Path
SWF Path
Single Document Conversion Command
/usr/local/bin/pdf2swf {path.pdf}{pdffile} -o {path.swf}{pdffile}.swf -f -T 9 -t -s storeallcharacters
Multiple Pages Conversion Command
/usr/local/bin/pdf2swf {path.pdf}{pdffile} -o {path.swf}{pdffile}%.swf -f -T 9 -t -s storeallcharacters
SWF Text Extraction Command
/usr/local/bin/swfstrings {path.swf}{swffile}